The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

An American Carol: Rebelling In Theaters Friday!

I'm hoping to break through my draconian schedule of work, school, home, and work, and perhaps make it out to see this movie. Anything that actually aims to offend liberals has got to be worth seeing!

Showtimes in your area here.

If you don't go out and see it with me this weekend, you must be a "community organizer."

Who likes communists.

Man.As an aside, one of the marketing firms involved with this film approached me about advertising on the site. Seeing how advertisements have affected certain corporate opinions of me in the past, I've gone ahead and agreed to run their material free of charge, in order to continue Snapped Shot's tradition of being a non-profit enterprise.

What can I say? I'm cheap!




#1 DMartyr 30-Sep-2008
I'm going next weekend!

#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 30-Sep-2008
Commie! Opening weekend or bust!

#3 DMartyr 30-Sep-2008
But I have to work. There are Obamanites who need their welfare checks...
#4 Kevin 01-Oct-2008
You should have called him a hippie slacker, Brian. That would have brought DMartyr to the table. 'Commie' just doesn't pack the punch that it once did.
#5 Siberian Khatru 04-Oct-2008
I strongly urge you guys NOT to put this off until next weekend if at all possible.

Don't forget, not only is "An American Carol" currently up against the excreable Bill Maher's religion-bashing bit of tripe "Religulous", but Oliver Stone's slanderous-hit-piece-masquerading-as-biography "W." hits the theaters in 2 weeks. The critics are *already* trying to create the impression that "An American Carol" is a flop, and the Hollyweird left would love nothing more than for "Carol" to have a "disappointing" opening weekend at the box office to "prove" there's no market for films making fun of the left.
#6 matt 05-Oct-2008
3.5 million in opening weekend. Looks like a flop! Hope you all enjoy you're November thrashing, losers.
#7 Brian C. Ledbetter 05-Oct-2008
... Says the idiot that doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your."

If Matt can't grasp that simple concept, I have no doubt that he'll "get lost" trying to find his polling station on November 4th.


Oh, and for the record, Mist'r Sm'rt, [i]Carol[/i] grossed 3.[i]8[/i] million. It may not be much, but it certainly got more viewers than Bill Maher's ridiculous movie. (Sauce)

Spitefully yours,
#8 bargal20 06-Oct-2008
"An American Carol",, a feature film and rumored "comedy", is playing at 1639 theaters and grossed $3,810,000.

"Religulous", which is a documentary, is showing at 502 theaters and grossed $3,519,000--almost the same gross as "An American Carol".

That's a pathetic result for David Zucker's crapfest.
#9 Brian C. Ledbetter 06-Oct-2008
... Yeah, 502 of the most koolaid-drinking screens in the nation. As in New York, Los Angeles, and Bezerkley?

Needless to say, if Maher's pile of poo were released on 1639 screens, it would [i]still[/i] only have grossed $3.5 mil.

Now [i]that's[/i] pathetic. ;)

#10 captainfish 08-Oct-2008
#11 captainfish 08-Oct-2008
actually, you both have no leg to stand on. Even if you had 4 of them.

As of Tues Oct 7,
American Carol - $4.1m
Religucrap - $3.9m


Beverly Hills Chihuahua - $31.8 million! in 5 days.

And one of my favorite movies...

Fireproof!! - $13 million!
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