The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


The site should be back up and running now, other than some minor tweaks here and there. Please let me know immediately if you run into any problems getting something to work! Otherwise, thanks again to Phill the Photographer for all of his help in keeping this site up and running!



#1 Kevin 30-Sep-2008
"Please let me know immediately if you run into any problems getting something to work!"

My weedeater won't start. I pressed the gas bubble 6 times and turned on the choke, but still nothing. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 30-Sep-2008

I remember having my Raftsmancay* weedeater give out every season. Never failed. The first time I tried starting it up in March or April, it would always be dead. It was always the head-scratcher for me, and I never could figure out why.

Any weedeater experts out there care to weigh in?

[i]* Corporate name changed to protect the guilty.[/i]

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