The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

The internet strikes back!

Are you sure you can trust the images that you see in the news? We sure aren't. After all this time, we finally have the ability to expose the lies that are being fed to us every day!

This website promises to look at the images we see on a daily basis, and document the reality of the situation presented. We also hope to look into the past, and examine previously-documented cases of photo fraud. Hopefully, after this journey gets on its way, you—the reader—will have a sharper eye for the news, and the ability to put the day's events into true focus.

Please excuse the mess, I'm still putting the finishing touches on the site. Hopefully, it'll be all finalized within a week or so.

We'll be getting started shortly. Until then, it is my honor to be,

Respectfully yours,


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