The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Hey Barack.

From the comedic genius that is Iowahawk, we learn what Obama's TelePrompTer thinks of its treatment on The Neverending Presidential Tour 2007-8:

Put yourself in its shipping crate, Barack. Give that poor machine some hope, man!

(h/t Lorie Byrd)



#1 captainfish 08-Oct-2008
OMG hahahahaahahahahaa.. that is just too funny!!!!

hahahahahaaa I never heard Obama and his stumbling idiocy while addressing the heckler before. I know that piece was edited, but i couldn't imagine trying to listen and comprehend the full context. There couldn't have been a full context with all that brain-freeze goin on.

that is just too scary to believe. And it is amazing that nearly half of America are ok with this socialistmarxist wanna-be jerk.
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