The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

* * * SITE FREEZE * * *

Howdy all,

I'm temporarily freezing comments and posts on this website while Phill and I move the server to a new hosting provider. The first part consists of setting up the base software needed by Serendipity and Drupal, the platform that this blog runs on. This has already been completed, to the best of my knowledge.

The second part requires me to transfer the current database and graphic files over to the new server. This should only take a few moments, but it means that the data really shouldn't be changing. From comments. Or posts.

The last part is a DNS transfer from the current IP address over to our new hosting provider. This should take at the most 2 hours, for those of you who have sysadmin-types who like to cache DNS requests longer than ever before. (NMCI, I'm looking your way!)

Anyway, the blog will definitely be back in service soon—Just drop us a note if you have something really urgent to say until then!

See y'all soon,


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