The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Inspector Magoo vs. Bushitler, Part Deux

Hans Blix, Esq.
Of course Hans Blix is going to come out saying that we're provoking North Korea. The guy has done nothing other than bash the United States for as long as I can remember, so for him to do so yet again isn't that surprising.

It's cute that he is so concerned about The Great Generalissimo Chia Pet. I wonder which member of the Axis of Evil has files on ol' Hans this time, for him to continue lining up with terrorists against the civilized world.



#1 Vadim 26-Oct-2006
--- The guy has done nothing other than bash the United States for as long as I can remember ---

Er, back in 2003 Blix told us in the US that Iraq does not have any weapons of mass destruction. If we had believed him then, we would be much better off today.

Perhaps, we should listen to him more attentively now?
#2 Brian 26-Oct-2006
Nevermind evidence that the Russian military might have "accidentally" convoy'ed it to Syria. That's irrelevant.


Thanks for taking the time to comment, Vadim! Zdrastiy'!

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