The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

The Religion of Peace (and tired old insults)

A Pakistani boy brandishes his toy gun, while standing on a U.S. flag at a rally to condemn Israeli aggression against Palestinians, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2006 in Karachi, Pakistan. Protesters burned Israeli and U.S. flags at the end of rally. The headband reads 'Hussain oppressed.' (AP Photo/Shakil Adil)

Really... is any commentary necessary from me? All I'll bother to say is that Shakil Adil, of the Associated Press, most likely staged this photo directly. There's no doubt in my mind that the ol' propagandist set this up, especially the way the poor brainwashed kid is looking at the camera.

Fortunately, OneCosmos doesn't share my lack of commentary. Many thanks to Larwyn for pointing me to this very beautifully-written article!

 Tags: shakil adil AP #TROP


#1 Dov 18-Oct-2006
Get that terrorist in training off of my flag or I may have to kill him after he grows up and finishes his training.

ROP my A$$


Religion Of Sacrificing Children
#2 captainfish 18-Oct-2006
That pic and that video chaffs my butt.
We need to take those people out before they harm/kill/maim/torture/use as shields/deprave/sodomise any more of their own kids.
BEASTS. BEASTS is what they are.

And there are people I know that say that Allah and my GOD are one in the same. 'Course they say that this type of behavior is only from the EXTREME members of the religion. But, how come everyone else is saying (from within the religion) that if you are not acting like them then the moderates are not ISLAM.

Makes me sick to think that this "religion" is winning over whimpy countries and converting them to their sick/deviant/murderous ways just because the leaders are afraid to confront them. Our country included.
#3 capt_salal 19-Apr-2007
"But how come everyone else is saying (from within the religion) that if you are not acting like them then the moderates are not ISLAM"(says:CaptFish).
people who(within the religion)say that a person who is not acting like those extremists are not moderates of ISLAM. thats not true. ISLAM doesnt allow/teach anything like that!!
#4 #3 11-May-2007
wat a gay website get a life loser
#5 Brian C. Ledbetter 11-May-2007
Hey #3? You're "#1."


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