The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

A Medicine Factory, Of Course

Feel the burn.

Maybe I've grown a touch too skeptical over the past few years, what with Saddam's infamous Baby Milk Factory(tm), but seeing how the wire services are going so strong with the "Zionists bombed innocent medicine warehouse" meme, it would surprise me not in the least to learn that, shock upon shocks, Hamas was really building rockets here.

If only we had a press that was curious enough to question what it's told to write for once.

Update: Just as expected, the IDF is reporting that rockets were fired from this location. They also mention "secondary" explosions, which usually indicate areas used for rocket storage, which most likely means that our "medicine" warehouse was anything but.

Not that any of this is surprising, of course.

Palestinians extinguish fire from a medicine storage facility after an Israeli air strike in Jabalya in the northern Gaza Strip, which was reported by local officials, February 9, 2011. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem (GAZA)

[ Daylife Link ]

Linked by: The Jawa Report, Israellycool.

 Tags: AP REUTERS mohammed salem adel hana #Intifada


#1 Jon 08-Feb-2011

And who would not be surprised to find they're building rockets using "pharmaceuticals?"

#2 redc1c4 09-Feb-2011

it's okay.... they use the rockets for surgical strikes.  %-)

#3 vinny 16-Feb-2011

Well, maybe they were using this factory to make nitroglycerin tablets for all those Hamas folks with weak hearts. They just didn't obtain the right type of nitroglycerin and hence all those secondary explosions...yeah that must be it.

#4 SnoopyTheGoon 17-Feb-2011

I heard where aspirin in large quantities could be explosive. Or was it nitroglycerin?

#5 Brian C. Ledbetter 17-Feb-2011


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