The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Egypt in a Nutshell

Who would've guessed that America was the dictator of Egypt all along!

Even though Sandmonkey is trying to stay as positive as he can about the Egyptian revolution, my worst fears are rapidly coming true. Rather than setting up a stable democratic stalwart in the Middle East, what I see instead on the horizon is far worse. We now have leftists, communists, and lunatics (though I repeat myself) worldwide, such as this lovely Korean (ahem, marxist!) labor union, all of whom are rapidly transforming the formerly pro-Egyptian message into one that is more anti-American in nature, which can only lead to a less stable world.

But hey, don't let my Eeyorishness get you down—Here's a fox and a kitten, courtesy Captainfish!

An Egyptian living in South Korea and members of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions attend during a protest at the Egyptian embassy on February 8, 2011 in Seoul, South Korea. Trade unions around the world today protested at Egyptian embassies to demand a stop to violence against peaceful demonstrators in Egypt and to support of a democratic government in the country. (Photo by Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images)

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