The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Oracle is in Chinese Today


So given my previous post, I feel really guilty for posting this.... But it made me laugh, so you're stuck with it! (But I won't publish it to the frontpage, so at least I'm holding myself to some kind of standards.)

When loading the Oracle TechNet website today, I noticed that all of the navigation is in Chinese. Which is to say, it's all Greek to me!

The things that make us geeks laugh...



#1 R.P. from S.C. 09-Dec-2010

Same here - I tested on two Linux boxes in Chrome and Firefox, and it's just stuck in Chinese, forcing me to use Google Translate in order to download the JDK!

A friend of mine tried on a Windows box and said it was in English. Go figure. 

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