The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


"Rodney King!"

The image, carefully aligned, sets the narrative of the story. And in this case, Reuters stringer Mohamad Torokman has carefully told a tale of woe and misfortune that I can't help but find comical.

The poor, starving Palestinian, beaten and bloodied, is oppressed by the Dastardly Zionists on the hood of their car. His father, presumably, gasps in horror at the horror that awaits them in the background.

The truth, of course, is that neither are being persecuted in the least—well, not for anything they didn't do, that is. Because, unlike the bizarrely sympathetic composition above, the truth is that both men (far from starving, incidentally) were pretty deeply involved in trying to crack some IDF skulls.

One can certainly understand the IDF's reaction to such actions, when it's all put into proper context.

Israeli border police arrest a Palestinian man (L) during scuffles that broke out after structures were razed by Israeli authorities in the West Bank village of Luban al-Gharbiya near Ramallah July 21, 2010. The Ministry of Defence said on Wednesday that 10 structures built without the proper building permits were razed in the area of the village. REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman (WEST BANK - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST IMAGES OF THE DAY)

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 Tags: REUTERS mohamad torokman #Intifada


#1 captainfish 26-Jul-2010

Context, Schmontext.

Haven't you learned anything from the Sherrod fiasco?  It is all Fox News' and Glenn Beck's fault even though they had not aired any video and Beck never talked about he prior to her being "fired".  But, it is still their fault because they are racists.

Iheard them.  The once said the "b" word.  "black"

That proves they are racist.

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