The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

I Know the Feeling

I know it well.

This photo is a worthy highlight for anyone who has ever been through an experience in which they really didn't want to be in a given situation, and merely felt like they were moving through the motions in order to get past it and move on to anything else on their schedule. The tiresome routine that just won't end.

Dakota Meyer doesn't exactly really look like he's thrilled to be there, either.

(Ba dum-dum.)

My deep thanks to Associated Press stringer Pablo Martinez Monsivais for picking quite an interesting snapshot in time, which I think illustrates this Administration's relationship with the military quite succinctly.

President Barack Obama awards the Medal of Honor to former Marine Corps Cpl. Dakota Meyer, 23, from Greensburg, Ky., Thursday, Sept. 15, 2011, during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House in Washington. Meyer was in Afghanistan's Kunar province in Sept. 2009 when he repeatedly ran through enemy fire to recover the bodies of fellow American troops. He is the first living Marine to be awarded the Medal of Honor for actions in Iraq or Afghanistan. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

[ Daylife Link ]

Photo posted due to the fact that I'm discussing the artistic brilliance of its composition. Please contact me immediately if there are any objections to the use thereof.

Update: Forgot the "doesn't" in that second paragraph there. That's what I get for trying to be funny on low amounts of caffeine, I reckon...

 Tags: AP pablo martinez monsivais #DailyFodder

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