The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


This gentleman has had enough of it.

I don't really have much of a followup to this photo, since it's pretty much worthy of highlight all on its own. My hat's off to Khaled Abdullah for the epic rage pic!

An anti-government protester shouts slogans during a rally to demand the ouster of Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Sanaa September 15, 2011. The writing on the face writing reads: "Syria" REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah (YEMEN)

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 Tags: REUTERS khaled abdullah #DailyFodder


#1 Kevin 15-Sep-2011

No more caffeine, and an appt. for teeth cleaning are both in order.

#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 16-Sep-2011


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