The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Forcing the Meme

Carefully crafted.

Today's meme, dutifully forced upon us by Ariel Schalit/AP and Nir Elias/REUTERS, is that Israel is a horrific police state, as if we've never heard that one before... But the fact that these two are practicing mindless pack journalism just makes it that much easier for us to poke fun at their collective lack of creativity.

Israeli border policemen are seen as they stand secure at the arrival terminal at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv July7, 2011. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered authorities on Wednesday to block entry of pro-Palestinian activists planning to travel to Tel Aviv over the weekend in a protest "fly-in". Pro-Palestinian websites have called in recent weeks on activists to fly to Israel on July 8 to protest against its policy towards Palestinians. REUTERS/Nir Elias (ISRAEL)

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 Tags: AP REUTERS ariel schalit nir elias #CruelCompositions

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