The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Dump Tabs

I've been good about sharing some of these over in the Fast Lane, but I'm so far behind on the news today that I'm just gonna have to cut my losses.

* Frank J. explores the pros and cons of replacing Barack Obama with a cardboard cutout of... Barack Obama. Seems like it'd be a win-win proposition to me...

* Get the low-down scoop on what "TWAP" is. I guarantee you'll be hearing about this in the befuddled pages of the New York Times in a month or so.

* Some improvement in Prince William County's residential code enforcement? Hey, it's all fun and games until someone opens up an illegal apartment building in the home next door to you.

* The reason the Washington, D.C. Metro Area has completely escaped the impact of the current recession? Federal employees are now making upwards of $170,000 per year. Believe it or not, this is far above what I make as an EVIL D.O.D. CONTRACTOR for the BUSHITLER/OBAMA WAR MACHINE. Strange, ain't it?

* Of course it's in Bezerkeley: The nation's first Islamic university. Complete with courses on modern burqa design?

* I can't believe I haven't seen this sooner: A 100-year-old "upside-down" monorail. In Germany, of course.

* Unintended Consequences: Those fancy-schancy new energy-saving LED traffic lights are completely useless during winter storms. Of course, 99% of "Green" technology is 100% useless, anyway, so it's not like it's that big a deal, right?

That's all I've got for now. I'll let you in on a little secret, though -- If you want the latest and greatest news that I don't have time to write about (but think you'll enjoy anyway), you can follow the Fast Lane's handy-dandy RSS feed.

It's like living inside my head. Except with a newsreader.


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