I notice that the brain trusts over at that other blog are trumpeting Our Most Pro-Military President Ever this evening. And being the Better-Than-Thou Intellectual Types that they are, this is of course meant to be an insult towards a President whom is not nearly anti-war enough—but I digress.
Surely enough, I see plenty of photos on the wire highlighting how patriotic the Committee-Chair in Chief is today. Such as the photograph above, shot by Reuters stringer Kevin Lamarque. And you know, it really does have all of the elements of the classic flag-wrapped President you've come to expect of we dastardly Republicans.
Ginormous flag in the background? Check!
Stoic look on Dear Leader's face? Gotcha!
Iconic representation of our tragic loss? Front and center.
Wait—Hold on a minute. Let's take a closer look at the photo there. Why exactly do you think that Kevin choose to compose the shot the peculiar way he did?
Upon closer inspection, you just might notice those little wires that are barely visible below where he placed the helmet in frame. What do you suppose those are?
If you guessed "The Greatest Orator Ever's Handy Dandy Speaking Crutch Device," then please give yourself a hearty pat on the back, because u. r. a. WINRAR.
Lefty and righty are both right there, front and center, exactly where you'd expect them to be in the most puppeted presidency of recent memory.
And once again, we get to see the spectacle of a spectacularly fake politician running through the emptiest of motions.
[ Daylife Link ]
U.S. President Barack Obama speaks behind the helmets and rifles of the fallen soldiers during the III Corps and Fort Hood Memorial Ceremony November 10, 2009 held to honor the victims of the shootings on the Fort Hood Army post in Fort Hood, Texas. Obama is addressing the memorial for the 13 victims of the shooting incident on the base on November 5. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque (UNITED STATES CRIME LAW MILITARY POLITICS)
Tags: REUTERS kevin lamarque #NewsInFocus
Almost forgot—Many thanks to Atlas Shrugs for pointing out the iconic irony of this unfortunate photo-op.