The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

I Never Do This

For the record, this is the first time in my entire life that I've ever put a political sticker on my car. I guess that sums up my motivation for McCain/PALIN! as much as anything:

Rah rah rah!



#1 captainfish 15-Sep-2008
Brian is going political!!!
Brian is going political!!!
Brian is going political!!!
Brian is going political!!!

Let's see if he will still be an unbiased and professional journalist.

oh ... wait.

#2 Kevin 15-Sep-2008
Your car looks a lot like mine!

#3 Brian C. Ledbetter 15-Sep-2008
HAHAHAH! You're [i]hired![/i] ;)
#4 captainfish 16-Sep-2008
hahahhhahahahahahaaaaa.. great one.

Wait.. that's kinda weird in an obsessive devoted worshiper sort of way.
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