The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

SiteMeter Stinks

SiteMeter's service was atrocious enough to use before (it was slow, and barely worked via BlackBerry), but now they've gone and redesigned everything—and I don't know how they did it, but it's even more horrible than before.

Augh. Looks like I'll be spending more time in the equally-mobile-unfriendly Google Analytics.

Update: SiteMeter has reverted back to their old software. I'm definitely thanking my lucky BlackBerry!



#1 Jonn Lilyea 14-Sep-2008
I finally got signed in to it this morning and I agree. Totally useless. I wrote them a nasty letter, told them to keep my money and just removed the stuff from the blog. I'll fly blind and have to live with not knowing what percentage of my readers use IE6.
#2 amit 14-Sep-2008
They are going for a rollback
#3 shabooty 15-Sep-2008
agreed the new sitemeter blows -
i installed WP stats now.

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