The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

ROFL: For Your Reference: Community Organizer FAQ

Courtesy the comedic genius that is Frank J.:

Q. What's a community organizer?
A. It's someone who organizes a community.

Q. And communities need organizing?
A. You think they organize themselves?

Q. I've lived in plenty of communities, and I don't remember any organizers.
A. The best community organizers seek no credit.

Q. Barack Obama seeks credit.
A. And the even better ones seek lots of credit!

Be sure to click on over to read the rest—You'll definitely enjoy it.

Oh, and I don't know about you, but I plan on faxing this over to ABCNews pronto! After last night's speech, they're going to need all the help they can get!



#1 Skul 04-Sep-2008
FrankJ is an absolute nut.
#2 captainfish 04-Sep-2008
Go Frank Go!

love the wiki reference..
[i]Many groups seek populist goals and the ideal of participatory democracy.[/i]

hahaha.. it is only non-participatory because they never participated or viewed themselves and their community as outside America, its society and its culture.

Isn't a community organizer just someone who wants to rile people up using their own agenda?
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