The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

An Experiment?

"How's this here Internet thingy work again?"

Anyone interested in receiving Snapped Shot articles via e-mail?

Any preference as to whether we use the FeedBlitz service, or the FeedBurner service?

Thoughts on anything else? As in, "How bout 'dem Mets?"

I'm all ears.



#1 Brian C. Ledbetter 04-Sep-2008
And the crowd goes wild:

Duly noted, y'all. I won't be pushing this as a "feature" any time soon. ;)

#2 captainfish 04-Sep-2008
dang.. I just got home. Let me digetst ma dinner.

Though, if I had a preference, ... no thanks for me. But, am sure giving people the option would be great. Options are always good.

Heard a news teaser on my local station. A judge is forcing the government to change the $5 bill?? Someone sued the government over the $5 bill and a judge ruled against the govt???

WTH??! did our $5 bill offend someone?
#3 Kevin 04-Sep-2008
We've got you on RSS, friend. There's not much that you write that we aren't aware of.
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