The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Diversity: British Government to Observe Religious Practice

... and if you thought this means that they were going to be celebrating Christmas this year, you've got another thing coming.

Muslim council leaders have sparked outrage after trying to ban all councillors eating in meetings until sunset during the holy month of Ramadan.

Politicians have hit out after the move to impose hardline Islamic rules on non-Muslim colleagues throughout September.

The bombshell has been dropped by Labour chiefs of the notoriously loony Tower Hamlets Council in east London.

Not to pick nits or anything, but I am reminded that the United Kingdom does in fact have an official State religion, regardless of the fact that the short-sighted buffoons of the Labour Party have unofficially outlawed it.

(h/t Robert)



#1 captainfish 28-Aug-2008
Don't see anything wrong here. Official state religion is Sha'ria right?

These council members who will refuse this multicultural expression of freedom will be appropriately labeled as RACISTS, bigots, Hate-Mongers, and mean.

There is no reason to not acquiesce to the appropriate requests made by a small subtle minority that represents a peaceful section of the native population.
#2 captainfish 28-Aug-2008
[i]But in his email, John Williams, the council's head of democratic services, said: 'It is requested that members do not partake of any refreshments until after the Iftar refreshments are served.'

'Freedom of belief is an important human right,...[i]

ummmm...No, its not. If you would recall you dhimmi, one reason why we who formed USA left Great Britain was because we wanted to be free to worship as we chose. That "RIGHT" was not guaranteed by England's laws and rulings. Almost all of the Muslim countries do not have freedom of (and from) religion clause like the USA has.
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