The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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AP Photographer Treated to Indian Hospitality

AP photographer Mukhtar Khan was reportedly roughed up by the Indian police while covering a protest against the Kashmiri elections over the weekend. While I'm sure there's more to the story than that, hopefully he'll still have a speedy recovery.


Members of the media carry injured wire agency photographer Mukhtar Khan after he was beaten up by Indian police during the fourth phase of local elections in Sopore, 48 km (30 miles) north of Srinagar December 7, 2008. Separatists have called a total boycott of the seven-phase state elections that started on November 17. REUTERS/Fayaz Kabli (INDIAN-ADMINISTERED KASHMIR)

AP Photo:

Associated Press photographer Mukhtar Khan, center, is carried to a hospital after he was beaten by security forces while covering a protest in Sopore, about 50 kilometers (31 miles) north west of Srinagar, India, Sunday, Dec. 7, 2008. Large crowds voted in some towns in Indian Kashmir on Sunday while some other towns witnessed a boycott amid clashes between protesters and the government forces in the fourth phase of state elections in the disputed Himalayan region. (AP Photo)



#1 Kevin 08-Dec-2008
He probably wasn't covering it. He was participating in it.

#2 DMartyr 09-Dec-2008
The India Police probably know the photographer's work, which most likely since he works with Reuters and AP supports the terrorists viewpoint.
#3 captainfish 09-Dec-2008
Muki? Is that you?
#4 Abdul Majid 13-Mar-2009
are you kieven of uk
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