The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Happy International "It" Day

You know, when one tries to make a point about woman's rights on International Women's Day (or is that "womyn's" and "Womyn's"?), one probably ought to refrain from referring to women as "it"...

'Course, not being the "progressive" type, I might just be missing out on some of the latest lingo. ;)

 Tags: asim tanveer REUTERS #DailyFodder


#1 Skul 09-Mar-2008
I left my PC at home today.
#2 captainfish 11-Mar-2008
Sign says Wman. Are you sure this is not a protest against prostitution and they are advocating the free-sex movement?

I like this photo

So, this country can not even get a decent, stable government and these women want rights from a ego-maniacal male-dominated backwards country? Talk about pushing all the wrong buttons at the wrong time.
#3 alexi 15-Mar-2008
Hmmm. Looks like you gotta read these while they're *hot*, because the link doesn't go to where you think it should. Not today.
#4 Brian C. Ledbetter 15-Mar-2008

All part of the "brave new world" that the Associated Press is forcing me to live in... Sorry about that!

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