The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

The Unmentionables: 1st Amendment Died on 9/11

I'm not sure the service that's dead to me is in much of a position to speak on the First Amendment, but it would seem that Curley's done it regardless.

Hey Tom, why don't you try explaining to me your personal take on this so-called "Freedom of Speech" one of these days.

Says The Foxhole:

The AP has a publishing policy in accordance with their leftist agenda, and Curley has the unmitigated gall to hyperventilate about “waning civilian oversight of the military” and “eclipsing press freedom and other constitutional safeguards”.

What. An. A--hole.

If anything, the Fifth Column has done everything guaranteed by the Constitution to undermine the security of the United States. They portray al Qaeda and the Taliban (what’s left of them) in a favorable light, denigrate the American military as ‘occupiers’, print national secrets across their front pages, and snivel about FISA and the Patriot Act as if the government has nothing else better to do than to eavesdrop on Curley’s phone sex.

"Shadow" of 9/11, indeed.

  #Human Shields


#1 captainfish 07-Mar-2008
"If anything, the Fifth Column has done everything guaranteed by the Constitution to undermine the security of the United States. "

YES IT HAS. Anyone recall the recent history where NYT "chose expediency over the safeguards" of a protected public when they exposed secret and sensitive information to our enemies?

Yes, Brian, I agree that I would be pissed too. When this guy, the head of AP, yells and howls about supposed harms to freedom of press , whines about not having "oversight" of the government, moans about not having "guardianship" of freedoms when they attack little guys trying to provide additional watchdog coverage, then they have lost all right to be considered a free press.

When the MSM continually attacks the reason for its being, then you know insanity has become malignant. They want free access to everything, everyone, and every place. But then whines when common citizens ask the same of their organization.

AP, it is you who are the dangers to this country and to free-loving countries everywhere. When you promote death, terror, and the lunatic ramblings of death-dealers over those voices of freedom and democracy then you have gone over to an enemy of the state.
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