The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Incredible Depth

An excellent catch by Doug Ross:

U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (D-NY) reads a note during the testimony of U.S. Army General David Petraeus, the top commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, at the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the state of the war in Iraq on Capitol Hill in Washington September 11, 2007. REUTERS/Molly Riley (UNITED STATES)

But... but... I thought the Clintons were the true intellectuals, and weren't interested in "sound-byte" politics!

Speaking of which, if I hear Hillary's "finally get a President who's not afraid to ask for directions" speech on the XM Satellite Radio "POTUS '08" ad one more time, I'm going to flush my XM receiver down the toilet! (For those of you familiar with Mr. Norton's off-colour rant to a listener on the topic: I need to say no more.)

 Tags: molly riley REUTERS #DailyFodder


#1 Henry Wirz 12-Sep-2007
Tell them about the discount HARRY!

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