The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

In Mahmoud's World

I'm not all that great at Photoshop (see if you can count how many images I blended poorly here, and please do ignore the crappy attempt to "fix" the sky)—but hopefully, the concept is funny.


 Tags: snapped shots #Dictatorship #SnappedShots


#1 captainfish 24-May-2008
i see 3

what do i win?
#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 24-May-2008
It was four, actually. I used another picture of the war veteran to get a "clean" (without Mahmoud's hands) copy of his shirt and beard.

Guess that means I blended [i]that[/i] part of the picture well! :)

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