The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Happy Friday, Y'all!

This video is American politics, as illustrated by the friendly women of mother Russia:

Mere words cannot describe how awesome this truly is, so I won't even try.



#1 captainfish 23-May-2008
that is sick.
how is that awesome and representative of American politics?

I personally think it is vile and reprehensible that people promote these things. Videos like this have become viral on line lately.

It looks like a "gang" fight between caucasian and asian girls.
#2 Cletus 23-May-2008
I think they are all russian. I don't get what this has to do with politics, but why is it sick? You don't appreciate a good brawl (or catfight)?
#3 captainfish 24-May-2008
nah, not really.

I'm a city-boy. A geek city-boy.
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