The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Hezbullah & Friends On the Move?

Bunker-hiding scumbag.

My good friend Jeha has IM'ed to say that the word on the street in Lebanon is that Hezbullah's alliance is starting to make a move on the Serail, the Lebanese parliament. This news comes almost immediately after Hassan "The Coward" Nasrallah announced that any attempt by the Lebanese government to enforce the law prevent Hezbullah from spying on the country would be interpreted by Hezbullah as a declaration of war.

It'll be interesting to see if the Lebanese Forces will be able to muster the will to defend the country, or if Hezbullah will officially take the reins of government by force.

Of course, Hassan "The Coward" Nasrallah was nowhere to be found, seeing how he prefers to cower in a bunker and let his totally expendable supporters take the brunt of any military action for him. Good leaders lead from waaaay behind, right?

Stay safe over there, Jeha—Especially now that the fight seems to be spreading into Christian territory.

More on Hezbullah's endgame over at Mr. Totten's place. A very intriguing set of analyses.

Jeha has posted some details on the topic here, and there is a truly fascinating look at the role Facebook is playing in this current conflict/proto-war over here.

May God's hand be over His followers in Lebanon, and keep them safe from the actions of the Party of the Insane.

Update: The Lebanese Forces are withdrawing from the battle areas? Maybe their interpretation of "backbone" differs slightly from mine...

More madness from March 14: One-on-one negotiations with Hassan "The Coward." Psst, guys? You're not supposed to be giving credibility to that cowardly thug.

I guess this means that 2008 is going to end up becoming the first year of the Islamic Republic of Lebanon.

Update: After a brief pause for Hariri's speech, the bullets are flying again.

Update: The Lebanese Forces speaks, albeit unofficially:

Nothing is more annoying the Aounists & Hezbollah and other Opposition parties than the fact that the LFers refuse to get involved in the violent incidents …

Hezbollah & Tayyar media have been initimidating the LF since yesterday, and making up rumors about their presence in several spots, yet all news were denied by the LF ..

I warn them and assure them that the guys are all ready and waiting for any HA or Amal thug to put one foot in the Christian regions … and i assure them that they ll only be getting back in body bags if they try to cause trouble in our regions ..

Peace :)



#1 captainfish 08-May-2008
" The Army Command called on all Lebanese citizens to exercise their wisdom and utmost caution at all levels. The absence of a popular sense of national responsibility limited the ability of the army to play a role in restoring Lebanon’s unity, the command continued.

The Orientation Directorate said the abandonment of dialogue was a clear departure from the formula of coexistence and created an atmosphere conducive to violence and confrontation. Popular discord also undermined the unity of the military establishment, it added."

HEY.. When did OBAMA win Lebanon??? this makes it seem he has been in charge there for a while now. Only a person like Obama can make a military this cowardly and PC.
#2 Syed 09-May-2008
Israel the illegal state is cowrd Insha Allah Israel will be Crushed soon
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