Due to some database issues, I was unable to post my little tribute to Fidel Castro's 80th birthday party. The wires have been host to a large plethora of shameless tribute photographs of the ruthless dictator, and have been as sympathetic to him as humanly possible.
I'll catalogue the photographs here, whenever I get a chance. Hopefully that'll translate to tomorrow sometime. I guarantee you that they'll be worth the wait.
I'll sum it up for now by saying:
Claudia Daut -hearts- dictatorship. Reuters -hearts- murderous thugs.
More to follow later. My apologies for the unintentional silence! I really did look forward to roasting Fidel pretty heartily.
Update: Curses, foiled again. I missed the opportunity to catalogue these pictures. I'll try and pull them up from Ye Olde Archives, but don't know if I'll succeed or not.
Tags: castro #Dictatorship