The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Defining Demonstrations Down

Good old Reuters. We're being told by whomever wrote the captions to these wonderful pictures, that the Eternally Oppressed Palestinians are participating in yet another peace-loving "demonstration" against the RACIST, APARTHEID Israeli separation barrier, always labeled as "controversial" by the terror-lovers in al-Reuters, even though it's been proven effective.

Take this photo, for instance:

An Israeli soldier fires a tear gas canister at Palestinian demonstrators during a protest against Israel's controversial separation barrier near the West Bank village of Bilin November 17, 2006. REUTERS/Oleg Popov (WEST BANK)

Notice the language: "at Palestinian demonstrators," who are "protest[ing] against Israel's controversial separation barrier." Why would Israeli soldiers need to fire tear gas and rubber bullets at such peace-loving protesters? It MUST be because they're evil Zionist pigs, right?

Well, have a peek at the next one:

Israeli soldiers take cover during a protest against Israel's controversial separation barrier near the West Bank village of Bilin November 17, 2006. REUTERS/Oleg Popov (WEST BANK)

"Take cover?" Why would Israeli soldiers need to "take cover" from such a peaceful "protest?"

A Palestinian demonstrator uses a slingshot at Israeli troops during a protest against Israel's controversial separation barrier near the West Bank village of Bilin November 17, 2006. REUTERS/Oleg Popov (WEST BANK)

AH, it all makes sense now. The Israeli soldiers are actually beseiged by violent thugs, who are actively attacking the Israelis.

That's peaceful enough for Reuters, apparently content in completely whitewashing the violent thugs, and perfectly happy to continue to stick to their completely idiotic "David vs. Goliath" storyline, regardless the facts.

Dhimmitude: What's in your newsroom?



#1 captainfish 19-Nov-2006
Looks perfectly peaceful to me.
What are you talking about??
Geesh, you zionist propagandizing race-baiter.

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