The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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Hezbullah recruiting leftists world-wide?

"Long live Hezbullah!"
Or is this all part of a larger conspiracy?

A number of blogs have reported that Hezbullah has been actively recruiting in parts of South America. Shall we add El Salvador to the list? Or are these the usual flock of Leftist useful idiots?

I'll let you decide.

Stay tuned, though—I'm working on digging up the dirt behind the so-called Bolivarian Congress of the People of Mesoamerica. For some reason, my Soros-Heinz-Tides Foundation bells are going off...

Work in progress—Here's a list of links that reference this group.

Axis of Logic: The rise and growth of the movement is rooted in the historical experience of the migrant workers (overwhelmingly from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean), the exploitative and racist experience they confront today in the US and the future in which they face imprisonment, expulsion and dispossession.

Members of the Bolivarian Congress of the People of Mesoamerica protest in front of the Israeli embassy in San Salvador, El Salvador, Thursday Sept. 7 , 2006 against Israeli actions in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. The signs read 'Viva Lebanon and Hezbolah' and 'No More Imperialistic Terrorism'. (AP Photo/Luis Romero)

A member of the Bolivarian Congress of the People of Mesoamerica protests in front of the Israeli embassy in San Salvador, El Salvador, Thursday Sept. 7 , 2006 against Israeli actions in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. (AP Photo/Luis Romero)

 Tags: luis romero AP #Israel/Lebanon War 2006

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