The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Good enough for the Gray Lady?

It would appear that the New York Times has been dinged for falling for the ol' dead body gag. Hint to all of the Hezbullies that may be reading this: Make sure that your "dead" don't move around when they're being photographed.

My hat's off to Gateway Pundit for having such sharp eyes!

 Tags: fauxtography staged scene tyler hicks NYT #Israel/Lebanon War 2006


#1 The Right Nation 09-Aug-2006
Dopo la Reuters, anche il New York Times costretto ad ammettere il taroccamento (questa volta non digitale) di una sequenza di fotografie provenienti dal Libano. Ad affondare la corazzata liberal, questa volta, è stato Gateway Pundit. I falsi di Hezb...
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