A tsunami of death and destruction.
I am absolutely stunned by the photo (WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC) Pamela Gellar has over at Atlas Shrugs. After losing a Presidential election to the openly Christian candidate Goodluck Jonathan, Muslims in northern Nigeria went on a rampage, murdering and burning Christians like animals in the streets.
What kind of horrors committed by rampaging Muslim mobs will finally be enough to bring down the unanimous and unquestioned condemnation of the Western world?
When will enough death be enough?
Far be it from me to suggest solutions to this horrific problem, but carpet bombing has never sounded like such an understandable option to me.
Men ride a motorcycle past burnt stalls on a street, two days after an election riot, in Kaduna metropolis in northern Nigeria April 20, 2011. Relatives used a lull in the curfew in northern Nigeria on Wednesday to search morgues for their loved ones, after riots triggered by disputed election results killed at least 100 people in the mostly-Muslim region. REUTERS/Afolabi Sotunde (NIGERIA)
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See-Also: The Jawa Report.
Tags: REUTERS afolabi sotunde #TROP