The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Out of Proportion

Fire fire, burning bright.

Let me see if I can get this story straight:--A group of Jewish "settlers" (by which the press means "Jews") drive in to try and worship in Joseph's Tomb, which pretty much everyone knows is an extremely holy site in Judaism. Something happens, and for whatever reason, the Palestinians guarding this Jewish holy site (sigh) decide to start shooting at the Jewish worshippers, killing one.

In response, a group of Palestinian "youths" (pictured above) go on a rampage, tearing up and burning all kinds of stuff in this, again, Jewish holy site.

Tell me -- why is it that Israel is considered to be the thug-handed bad guy in the Middle East again?

I mean, I can kinda understand seeing the Palestinians, whose entire existence as a people depends on continuing the myth of the dastardly land-conquering Jew, to blame Israel for these horrors. Like the scorpion, it's what they do. Why, though, should supposedly intelligent citizens of the West try to do the same, though? Aren't we "smarter" than that?

Palestinian rioters set fire in Joseph's Tomb in the West Bank city of Nablus April 24, 2011. A Palestinian policeman shot dead an Israeli and wounded four others after they entered a holy site in a West Bank city without permission on Sunday, the Israeli military said. The group, described by a security official from a Israeli settlement near the scene as Jewish worshippers, were shot at Joseph's Tomb, which some Jews believe to be the burial place of the biblical patriarch, in the Palestinian city of Nablus. REUTERS/Abed Omar Qusini (WEST BANK)

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See-Also:Boker Tov, Boulder, Yoni the Blogger, Israel Matzav, Elder of Ziyon, The Muqata, Israellycool, IDF Spokesperson, A Soldier's Mother, This Ongoing War, Gateway Punditx2, The Blogmocracy, Jihad Watch, Atlas Shrugs, CAMERA Snapshots (no relation), JoshuaPundit.

 Tags: REUTERS abed omar qusini #Intifada

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