The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Ulterior Motives

Connections, ignored.

The photo above illustrates something that's becoming increasingly obvious about the particular brand of reform that's "sweeping" the Arab world over the past few months. Sure, the giant banner, composed in English explicitly for the consumption of the Western world, sounds nice on the surface -- as all such media-aimed stunts typically do. Notice, thought, the black flags surrounding it. (Quite literally, judging by this wider angle shot.) What significance do you think the black flag of jihad* has here?

Of course, the fact that this group is Hizb ut-Tahrir, which openly calls for Islamic domination of the world, sums things up perfectly. Because while our media, earnest in their desire to defend Obama at any cost, is working to convince you that the Arab world is striving for freedom and democracy, behind the scenes a reform of an entirely different sort appears to be taking shape.

But hey, we've got Dancing with the Stars to worry about, so what could possibly go wrong?

Supporters and members of Islamist party Hizb Ut-Tahrir hold their party's flags and a banner as they march during a protest in Tripoli, northern Lebanon, to express their solidarity with Syria's protestors April 22, 2011. REUTERS/Mohamed Azakir (LEBANON)

[ Daylife Link ]

PS: I know it's not literally the black flag of jihad, but would suggest that the imagery of this flag is exactly what Hizb-ut-Tahrir was trying to invoke when they picked their flag.

Symbols have meaning, do they not?

 Tags: REUTERS mohamed azakir #YourProtestStinks

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