The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Don't Drive in Yemen

This is exactly why I never put GOP stickers on my car.

It would seem that Yemen is alight with protests today, and in the midst of all of the outrage, a hapless supporter of the ruling regime appears to have turned down the wrong street. Thankfully, AFP stringer Ahmad Gharabli was there to capture the resulting conflagration for posterity's sake, all of which I present for your viewing pleasure below.

Anti-government protesters jump on the roof of a vehicle destroying it which supposedly belongs to government supporters during a protest outside Sanaa University on February 22, 2011, as some 1,000 students spent a second night camped at a square, which they have dubbed Al-Hurriya (Liberty) Square, near the university demanding Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh's ouster. AFP PHOTO/AHMAD GHARABLI (Photo credit should read AHMAD GHARABLI/AFP/Getty Images)

As promised, the inevitable result of flying Republican colors in Fairfax County, Virginia:

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 Tags: AFP ahmad gharabli #YourProtestStinks

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