The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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Muslim Children Chant Slogans

"Down with juvenile obesity! Death to high cholesterol!"

Our photographer leaves us scratching our heads over this photo this morning. The above children are described as "chanting slogans," but what slogans could they be?

Given that it's Ashoura, the kindest and gentlest holiday of them all (graphic content - ain't Islam great?), I suppose it's possible that they're chanting "God is Great" and such... but considering that these are Hezbollah's boy scouts, I'd expect a slightly different set of slogans.

Lebanese Shi'ite Muslim children chant slogans as they gesture during a Muharram procession organized by Hezbollah to mark Ashura in Beirut's suburbs, December 16, 2010. Shi'ite mourners beat themselves during Ashura with steel-tipped flails or slash their bodies with knives to mark the death anniversary of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who was killed during a battle in A.D. 680 in Kerbala, a city in modern-day Iraq. REUTERS/ Sharif Karim (LEBANON)

[ Daylife Link ]

PS: What do you think they're saying? Feel free to sound off with your own ideas down in Ye Comments Section!

 Tags: REUTERS sharif karim #Lebanon

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