The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


And boom goes the dynamite.

One can only imagine how long it took Reuters stringer Ammar Awad to try capturing this rather dramatic shot. Of course, no matter how dramatic the photo makes teargas canisters look, the reality is that Reuters still isn't bothering to discuss a rather important correction to a sad story they've been pushing really hard for a few weeks now.

But hey, why give readers the truth, when emotional pleas about wholly-invented storylines (with the expected overly dramatic photographs) are clearly just as good?

An Israeli border police officer fires a teargas canister during clashes with Palestinian stone-throwers in the Shuafat refugee camp in the West Bank near Jerusalem January 19, 2011. REUTERS/Ammar Awad (WEST BANK)

[ Daylife Link ]

PS: For those of you keeping track, this type of shot has definitely been done before.

Update: A copycat photo, filed by AFP stringer Ahmad Gharabli, does little to dispel my low opinion of the originality of wire service photographers... at least in the Middle East, that is.

What can I say?  It's pack journalism at its finest.

 Tags: REUTERS ammar awad #HumanShields

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