The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Fast Times at Redwood Shores

REDWOOD SHORES, CA - DECEMBER 20:  Canada geese walk along a path in front of the Oracle headquarters December 20, 2007 in Redwood Shores, California. Oracle reported a 25 percent surge in its fiscal first quarter net income with earnings of $840 million, or 16 cents per share,compared to $670 million, or 13 cents per share one year ago. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Duck... Duck... Duck... Database!

My apologies for the silence as of late -- I've been busy messing with some new Oracle 11gR2 features over here, and as a result haven't had the spare cycles to spin up a browser for commentary and such.

As a quick aside, our favorite hacktivist th3j35t3r (or "The Jester" to the non-geek) has run into a little bit of trouble with his local law enforcemers. Given that he literally downs jihadi propaganda for fun and profit, I'm not exactly sure where the local law enforcement interest is in this case, but hopefully we can get to the bottom of things as his situation becomes more clear.

Until I hear more, I'm off to stuff my CPU full of virtual machines for another Oracle test over here. For the record, Oracle ASM Clustered Filesystem looks really promising. Finally, a clustered filesystem that (a) works, and (b) doesn't require me to send money to that dirty, no-good Symantec crowd!

Quickly: "Enforcemers?" Sure, it was a typo, but it's also a fantastic new word. Totally keeping it!



#1 captainfish 01-Dec-2010

I LOVE that photo!! .... wait.. but ... aren't they geese?!?

Ok, I hate that photo now.

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