The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


Stand firm.

This photograph, taken by Reuters stringer Gleb Garanich, captures the traditional balance between government and protest succinctly. One free to act as wild and uncontrolled as desired, and one in solid control of the situation at every moment.

Of course, it helps that the Ukranian feminist group FEMEN look far more attractive (NSFW-ish) than their American counterparts, even if they are every bit as nutty.

An activist from the Ukrainian female rights organization "Femen" reacts as she stands near Interior Ministry officers during a rally near the Ukrainian government's headquarters to protest against the absence of female ministers in the Ukrainian Cabinet in Kiev, December 13, 2010. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich (UKRAINE)

[ Daylife Link ]

 Tags: REUTERS gleb garanich FEMEN #YourProtestStinks


#1 Rooster 14-Dec-2010
Not that I would choose this nut, but I'm certain she'd choose me.
#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 14-Dec-2010

Her friends look even loonier than she is. You could probably do worse...

#3 Yishai 15-Dec-2010

Caption contest?


#4 Brian C. Ledbetter 15-Dec-2010

I'm always open to caption contests - since I usually don't come up with anything remotely funny. Feel free to toss out your own ideas, folks :)

#5 Yishai 15-Dec-2010

I need to know!  Do I really look like Lindsey Lohan?!

#6 Yishai 15-Dec-2010

How the hell did you guess I color my hair?!

#7 Yishai 15-Dec-2010

p.s., If this weren't a family blog, I would have a few inappropriate things to throw out there ;)

#8 Brian C. Ledbetter 15-Dec-2010

spurious Spaceballs reference: HE SHOT MY HAIR!!

(Heh, see? That's about all I've got. :) )

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