The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Inbox Fail

In and Out Boxes with Cardboard Tubes

The Silence of the Hams.

So I ran across something interesting today - After hearing from a reader that he contacted me "through the site's contact form," and puzzling over the fact that I did not, in fact, receive that message, I happened to look at Snapped Shot's configuration for a bit... and just noticed that our contact e-mail addresses have been broken ever since I migrated the e-mail server from Qmail to Postfix this past May.


Guess I fail at running on The Internet once again. If any of you scoundrels have tried to contact this site in the past, and gotten Ye Olde Crickets in response, my sincerest apologies. Although, given how quiet y'all tend to be on any regular occasion, I'm guessing you didn't.

Being this irrevlevant takes effort, my friends!



#1 Kevin 18-Nov-2010

Shoot.  I sent you a message last month telling you where to pick up your free one million dollars!   Sadly, the offer expired yesterday :(.

#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 18-Nov-2010



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