She's got 'em.
But still, I've gotta say: If this is the bright and shiny future of hacking, long live black hat!
Called the ‘world’s sexiest computer hacker’, Kristina Svechinskaya was arrested in New York earlier this month, accused of being a part of an internet fraud ring alleged to have used malware and trojan viruses to steal $35 million from US bank accounts.
It is alleged that the Russian brunette, 21, used fake passports to open a series of accounts flooded with cash plundered from online bank customers.
An aside: The preceding content is not intended to be a slight towards the world's greatest anti-jihadi hacker. Th3J35t3r is downright awesome, no matter what his appearance might be!
You've definitely earned it given how many times you've disrupted the bad guys' communication systems, my friend! Hope everything turns out alright with your latest little setback. Please don't hesitate to contact us here if there's anything we can do for ya!
Thanks for your support.