The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


Coasting through sunset.

Okay, so I haven't exactly been around for the past week—And I've gotta say, if there were any way that I could relocate the trusty old bunker to the Outer Banks, I'd totally do it after a week like that!

(My deepest thanks to DMartyr and captainfish for keeping things as lively as ever around here, as they always do! This place would probably be forty times as boring if it weren't for their kind assistance during the frequent times I get distracted by shiny objects...)

I'm still trying to get caught up over here, so it'll be a bit before I'm back in the flow of things. In addition to our little escape, I'm also starting with a fantastic new company this week, so there's going to be quite a bit going on over here in Snapped Shot central that is certain to distract me. (Shiny!!)

If you're up to it, I'd love to hear what's been going on while I've been away!

I've been told that we missed an excellent showing by Glenn Beck in Washington this past Saturday. I'm also sure Kashmir is still rocking the Ramadan celebrations, even without looking at the photo feed to cover it. And I'm also betting that I missed an excellent showing or two by our favorite Iranian rage worshipper in my absence. All of which I hope to catch up on in the next day or so.

But what else? I look forward to hearing that from you, down in the comments. Or not—It's not like your crickets are surprising at this point, you non-commenting readers, you!

Though I do think we may have another exciting prize to offer you loyal Snapped Shot readers... You really chatty ones, especially! Be sure to check back tomorrow to see if it'll be your lucky day! (Assuming I don't get distracted by yet another shiny object, that is...)



#1 Rob Miller 01-Sep-2010

Welcome back! Now get to work (LOL)

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