The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

That's Gotta Hurt

Extreme marshmallow toasting.

All I can really think to say about this photo is... Ouch!

Lebanese army special forces perform during a drill in Roumiyeh, north of Beirut, August 14, 2010. Lebanon said on Saturday it was setting up a fund for Lebanese to help arm its under-equipped military, days after lawmakers in Washington blocked U.S. military aid. REUTERS/Mohamed Azakir (LEBANON)

 Tags: REUTERS mohamed azakir #DailyFodder


#1 captainfish 16-Aug-2010


Burning hair smell.

#2 DMartyr 17-Aug-2010

LOL, under-equipped? I guess they can't afford coats so they light themselves on fire to stay warm.

Its no surprise these baboons think a child-raping, slave-owning, wife-beating subhuman is a perfect man.

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