[picapp align="none" wrap="false" link="term=kitten&iid=270118" src="http://view3.picapp.com/pictures.photo/image/270118/kitten-and-fledgling/kitten-and-fledgling.jpg?size=500&imageId=270118" width="500" height="334" /]
Putting this here to satisfy AP lawyers.
Judging by the one-dimensional coverage coming out of the West Bank today, it seems that Associated Press photographers have decided that today is Checkpoint Day.
And considering that wire coverage out of there is 100% unoriginal pack journalism, Reuters follows suit. As does AFP—In fact, the French agency takes the lead by far.
Could it be that there's absolutely nothing else going on in the West Bank that's worthy of attention today?
I'd argue that it's more likely that we have way too many photojournalists in the region that have a preconceived message to tell.