The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


[picapp align="none" wrap="false" link="term=birthday+cake&iid=278981" src="" width="500" height="333" /]

Cake, eaten.

Four years ago yesterday, this little blog was born.

Sure, we haven't really done much since then, but now that we've got two whole readers, the sky's the limit!



#1 captainfish 09-Aug-2010

I just wanted to say Congratulations.

Now that you have doubled your reader count over that 4 year period, I want to thank your Dad for joining your mom as reader.

#2 Gordon 09-Aug-2010

Hey, a very happy birthday to you all! I always thought you were one of the better blogs and whenever possible, I direct our tens of readers to you!

You shoulda saved some cake for me.

#3 Brian C. Ledbetter 10-Aug-2010

Hahah, ironically enough, my mom refuses to visit this site. Something about us wanting to stir up a bunch of trouble and stuff... LOL!

Who, me?

#4 donkeyrock 10-Aug-2010

I demand a gift bag for hanging around here for so long. lol

#5 Brian C. Ledbetter 10-Aug-2010

No Refunds, No Exchanges!


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