The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

The Virus is Spreading

See if you can spot the disease in the caption below.

Afghan protesters throw rocks at a car during clashes with police following Friday prayers in Kabul July 30, 2010. Afghan police fired shots to disperse hundreds of protesters who torched two vehicles similar to those used by many foreign security guards following reports of a fatal traffic accident. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani (AFGHANISTAN)

 Tags: REUTERS omar sobhani #TROP


#1 DMartyr 30-Jul-2010

Nope, not one mention of islam.

#2 captainfish 30-Jul-2010

See, I would have figured they would have mentioned Christianity.  It is the Christians that firebomb buildings and Post Offices.  Not Islam - the Religion of peace and harmony and the inventors of all known knowledge.

But, you asked about if we can spot the disease.  Yeah, that was easy.  CARS.  There were evil cars present forcing peaceful harmonious Islamic men to turn violent and attack the cars in self-defense.

Cars are evil and must be done away with.

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