The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Memo to Fayaz Kabli and Dar Yasin

Peace movement FAIL.

This is a protest. It is performed by protesters.

Your photos, on the other hand, illustrate a riot. Its participants are rioters. Thugs. Insurrectionists, who wave the flag of an enemy nation—which in this case is Pakistan.



Please learn the difference ASAP.

A Kashmiri masked protester hits a burning government vehicle [Ed.:—Gee, it started burning all by itself?] with a piece of wood in Barthana on the outskirts of Srinagar August 4, 2010. Kashmiri separatist leaders have appealed for calm in the biggest anti-India protests in two years that have killed dozens of people and raised fears that anger at New Delhi was spinning out of control. REUTERS/Fayaz Kabli (INDIAN-ADMINISTERD KASHMIR)

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