Hard Riders.
Russian Prime Minister (and all around tough guy) Vladimir Putin spent some time with a bunch of bikers in Ukraine over the weekend. He saluted the bikers, pointing out that motorcycles are, "the most democratic transport vehicle."
While the the photo above certainly gives rise to the image of Putin as Tough World Leader, it should be pointed out that the Street Glide, as awesomely American-made as it is, is a tricycle.
At least Vladimir managed to keep his shirt on this time.
(Full article, thanks to Andy at Siberian Light)
This is the guy Obama idolizes as far as PR goes. Back in the day, Hitler and his PR men idolized America's socialists and our PR mechanisms. Now, after turning against socialism for a while, the USSR has taken the lead and Obama years to have that form of propaganda on his media outreach (MSM).