The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Buzzing the Day Away

Snapped Shot was down for an extended period this morning—Our hosting provider, ServerPronto, is very apologetic, and promises that it won't happen again—and I've spent most of the afternoon in meetings, so I'm pretty behind on what's going on today.

Fortunately, I have lots of good friends on Google Buzz that're right on top of things, so here are some interesting stories for you to read:

Obama internet 'kill switch' bill approved (courtesy Matthew P.)

Of Course: Obama Picks Critic of Immigration Enforcement to Head Immigration Enforcement Office (courtesy Ken H.)

Gallup: Conservatives Outnumber Liberals 2 to 1 (again via Ken)

WHEN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT boycotts your state. Can you return the favor at tax time?… (via Yishai M.)

And finally, the visually stunning Office Supply Art (courtesy Anth K.)

My deepest thanks to all of my newfound Buzz compatriots for keeping me abreast of what matters the mostest!


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